Thursday, February 19, 2009

First words...

It was at the wake of time when all the souls seemed to perish, in a land no one can discover, in a land far away. A very wise man once said that it’s only a matter of time until you become acquainted with every soul that roamed this world, if only you chose to uncover the layer of the unknown.

Footsteps were left behind, and are kept being overtaken; but we rather believe we are alone, that we are the only souls that faltered, and that we are the only ones left on this earth. Our motivations are streamed to only consider our only hearts and history on the making. We tend to delve in inside our spirit of happiness, and forget the sorrow of others. We are, and what we become is a trait of uniqueness only granted by the One above.

What will become of this life if all the billions of souls are all unique, lost in the mother land, claiming to have the truth: that they own the most beautiful souls! However, what will become of this life if all the billions of souls are all alike, united in the motherland, claiming all the falsehood: that they don’t own a soul at all?

It was at these passing moments that we witness the test of time, and the test of souls. We get acquainted with familiar faces, and forget the ones that are lost. We become united by theories and philosophies, most of them formed from falsehood notion that life is merely a pass of time; thus, loose its purpose and wisdom. However, what unites us all is our little experiences, the “random” encounters, and how it effects us all.


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